Confession #26: I Thought I Needed to Prove Myself

Several years ago, I was asked to join a team of leaders to facilitate a women’s small group/Bible study at my church. I love studying and talking about the Bible, so I didn’t hesitate to agree. The event coordinator explained that each group would be assigned based on similarities such as age and marital status. … More Confession #26: I Thought I Needed to Prove Myself

Confession #23: Sometimes It’s Hard to Tell the Truth

“Tell the truth!”, I silently pleaded, as a few others and I awaited a relative’s response. The question was simple, “Have you eaten at this restaurant before?” She was known for habitual lying, and just like so many times in the past, she went on to fabricate a story that all of the listeners knew … More Confession #23: Sometimes It’s Hard to Tell the Truth